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Tools Overview

Analyzer – More than just random lines.

The core of Gravity Analytica’s tool suite is the Analyzer which queries the risk and event engines and displays the risk levels, upcoming event landscape and any financial updates over a price chart. 

Enter any U.S. listed security symbol in the search box.

After entering a symbol the Analyzer will return the chart if the company is in the GA’s universe. If a US-listed company is not returned please notify the Team in chat.

The Analyzer is also available through Gravity Analytica’s chat using the /chart command.

Starting Lights

Current and previous quarters corporate financial health is displayed as starting lights in the top left of the chart. The model process financial information in two different ways, a more conservative analysis is displayed in the right column.

“Risk” EM Band

The EM models Ground State through EM-2 Risks bands are displayed over the price history. The band is color-coded to match the most recent Starting-Light.

Upcoming “Events”

Events known or predicted from the event-engine are displayed as vertical time windows color-coded to illustrate likelihood of being positive.

Upcoming Volatility “Events”

Corporate actions, earnings, mergers, etc., events that may or may not coincide with news are marked with solid vertical lines. Earnings are blue and just mark the release date. FSTs (Forced-State Transitions) which are predicted are marked in red with an associated time window.

Legacy Corporate Actions

Previously disclosed financial filings are marked on the charts with red dots or dotted/dashed lines. These correspond to Form 13s, 424s or Shelf filing.

We aim to be the only resource hub connecting to any information you may require to make informed decisions. On the Analyzer page you will find direct access to …

Below the chart is displayed any known ongoing clinical trials with links to the trial source.

Beyond financial actions we report on the charts links are provided to all EDGAR filings.

We also provide links to to recent social media history for the company including, StockTwits, YouTube, Twitter, Google and Facebook. These links filter to just the most recent time frame so you can see what the buzz is.

Nova – Search the Universe

It is one thing to know the company you want to analyze. But, what if you just want to find all companies in a similar state, or with similar risk profile or all companies with predicted future events in the next month?

This is why we built Nova. With Nova you can search by “Risk”, the future event landscape and predicted FSTs. Then sort by GA’s Money-to-Move (a proprietary institutional quality short-squeeze metric transposed in a dollar volume), time frame to an event, price, consolidation. Nova aims to be flexible so you can trade your way.

For high companies with high social media activity GA provides a public view for the Money-to-Move data here at our Gravity Analytica Research site.

Other features…

We always are listening to our users to add features and tools inline with their needs. Additional features to help your life easier included with the Gravity Analytica suite of tools …

Pathfinder – A watchlist that works.

Up-to-date charts, organized in any way you see fit. Not just a list of symbols our Horizons features allows you to record notes, sort and order, arrange symbols into categories, all with embedded charts showing you the latest GA chart.

You can create 4 or more graphical watchlists in Pathfinder.

Area 51 –

You can never have too much data so we maintain previous dates model charts. You can go back an anytime and assess your intuition. Have a hunch, but not strong enough of one to play. Make a note in Pathfinder and see how the trade would have played out. Then go back and qualify your Nova search for the next time.

Area-51’s historical charts are of lesser image quality and to optimize the web site’s footprint.

We are always tweaking the models and trying to make trading easier, more efficient, and less of a stressor. What is the point of making money if making it is super hard and stressful?