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Glossary and Terms

micro-cap or microcap mahy-kroh-kap ],adjective

an abbreviation of micro-capitalization designating a company, or a mutual fund that invests in companies, with a very small market capitalization, usually under $300 million. Microcap stocks tend to have greater volatility, and thus are inherently riskier than stocks with higher capitalization.

nano-cap or nanocap nan-oh-kap ], adjective

designating a company, or a mutual fund that invests in companies, with a very small market capitalization, usually under $50 million.

small cap  smal-kap ], adjective

designating a company, or a mutual fund that invests in companies, with a market capitalization of $300 million to $2 billion.

volatile vol-uh-tl, -til ], adjective

(of prices, values, etc.) tending to fluctuate sharply and frequently.

catalyst [ kat-l-ist ], noun

anything that precipitates change of state, typically with price and/or volume change

trips [ trip-pse ], noun

a stock priced at 0.000x. Or a general term for a stock near the par value traded OTC or on the pink sheets.